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Raquel Ana Piña-Holmstrom
Pronunciation Notes:
Ruh-kehl P-EE-n-ah HOHLM-struhm
Gender pronouns:
she, her, hers

Origin of Name

We believe our name Piña originated from Peru and Holmström from Sweden. However, my partners father was adopted and through 23andMe DNA it was determined that their last name is Morgan.

Meaning of Name

Raquel has an origin meaning "innocent". In English Raquel turns to Rachel which derives from the Hebrew meaning "ewe, female sheep, one with purity". Pina in Spanish is pineapple. Holmström in Old Norse holme means "small island" and ström means "stream".

Behind My Name

My birth name was Raquel Ana Mora Mani Felix Piña. Mora was my maternal grandmothers maiden name, Mani was my maternal grandfathers last name before he was adopted to Reyes, and Felix was my paternal grandmothers maiden name. Another interesting fact is I am Raquel the 3rd... my maternal grandmother and my mother were born with the name Raquel. My mother now goes by Raquelana.

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